E-RRM™ Program Services
We offer a modular, four-stage Enterprise-Reputation Risk Management™ approach to identifying, addressing and monitoring reputational risk.
The initial stage of the E-RRM™ process tailors our reputational risk audit approach to your organization's specific situation. A thorough needs analysis, coupled with an understanding of strategic priorities and relationships with targeted stakeholders, is used to create a customized plan for an E-RRM™ Audit and Assessment.
The E-RRM™ Audit and Assessment leverages our proprietary reputational excellence drivers and audit methodology to identify reputational areas of weakness and strength among your key stakeholders. Further interpretation, weighting and assessment result in prioritizing your organization’s reputational risks to understand the reputational factors that have the greatest impact, positive or negative, on your organization.
The change planning stage of E-RRM™ diagnoses the sources of reputational risk and develops a path for mitigating reputational risk and leveraging opportunities. Our business change management expertise is applied to help you recognize and focus on the root sources of your reputational risk. We identify enablers of reputational strength related to our Strategic Enterprise Levers, resulting in a framework for change planning.
To determine how your reputational change plan is progressing, this stage of E-RRM™ provides routine monitoring of reputational risk over time. We assess the current state of your organization’s reputational risk profile relative to management targets and the baseline established in the E-RRM™ Audit and Assessment. Tools to manage progress, including dashboards and maturity models, are developed.. As a result, senior leadership is equipped with knowledge for continuous understanding and improvement of reputational risk.
Consultative Services
In addition to the E-RRM™ program, we offer reputation risk management consultative services tailored to your specific needs.
Based on an assessment of your reputational risk needs, we design and conduct in-depth diagnostic conversations with key stakeholders who impact your business success. These conversations provide a window into the views of your organization held by stakeholders. This service results in deep insight into the needs and expectations of your key stakeholders on issues critical to your business.
Executive seminars provide your board and senior management teams with an orientation to Enterprise-Reputation Risk Management™, including its potential impact on your business strategy and discussion about E-RRM™ implementation. We use information collected in initial board and management interviews, as well as secondary research, to establish a tailored strategic frame for discussion. The seminar results in an understanding of E-RRM™, and its role in achieving your business strategy.
Assessing and prioritizing your organization’s reputational risks requires a systematic process. Our experts guide your management team through a prioritization process. Outputs of this process include early-stage high-level action plans for addressing key reputational risks.
Our change planning advisors can work with your team to fine-tune and evolve your change plan to an executable level. Your change plan approach and methods can be advanced to help you achieve your organizational change targets for reputational risk and Enterprise-Reputation Risk Management™ process implementation.